Wednesday 24 February 2010

Life's Little Pleasures, Part 5

New art supplies.
All lovely and pristine and full of potential! I've been wanting to buy some of these round canvases for ages :)


  1. I can't wait to see whatt happens next!
    xox, Lisa

  2. looks good enough to eat!! round canvas looks interesting ... i was just going ooo and ahhh over some black canvas i saw at the art shop that day!! black canvas!

  3. Lisa, neither can I - that's the fun bit! x

    Luthien I've seen the black canvases too - very intruiging! x

  4. New pristine art supplies are wonderful! So many possibilities!

    I'll be on the lookout for your round paintings!

  5. I love getting new supplies! Its so exciting and just refreshing :)

  6. Ooh round canvas - very intriguing! Where did you get them?

  7. I have to admit that at first glance, I thought the hearts were sugar cookies; another of life's little pleasures, lol!
    But art supplies are even better, can't wait to see what you with them ;)

  8. Maggie and SillyLittleLady, I completely agree!

    Lisa I bought them in The Works, 2 for 1! They had oval ones too.

    Stephanie - ha ha you read my mind - cookies may be one of the little pleasures to come! ;)

  9. That is one I never tried - round. I think it could be a very fun experiment in composition - I was always worried about framing.

  10. Sweet Harvey yes, it's fun to have a change from the more usual squares /rectangles. I don't tend to frame my box canvases but I can see how fidning a frame could be a problem!

  11. They look really interesting Angie! I can't wait to see what you do with them! xx

  12. Love the round canvas and the wonderful hearts!! Yum yum!!
