Saturday 1 October 2011

Hebden Bridge visit

Some pictures from a visit to Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire this week ... isn't it pretty?
I'm keeping these photos as proof that it doesn't always rain up t'North!
 I spotted this mini Andy Goldsworthy style rock sculpture in the water - maybe the ducks made it??
And I love strange little old-fashioned shops like this one ... like stepping back in time. I've always wanted one of those white ceramic phrenology heads for some reason...!


  1. Charming, Angie! I love your posts about places you've visited. Would love to visit the UK, but for now I'll have to live vicariously!

  2. It's beautiful! And glorious sunshine- such a bonus.

  3. Lovely place Hebden Bridge... I've been there in the summer. Very good place for art also.. the stones in the water are part of that (not the ducks I'm afraid) they also have a wonderful Gallerie with stunning art work from various artists. One of my favourite places... and you were so lucky with the weather :)

  4. Hi Angie...cheerful pictures. I love the rock sculpture... I watched a doc on 2 teenage boys who do this in a grader scale in Maine. What a good omen to stumble across!
    And if you Brits are missing any rain, I found it! It has been raining every day here since I don't know when. Bleh!

  5. Maggie it would be lovely if you could come one day, I could show you around :)

    Dotty yes hasn't the weather been amazing? I definitely picked the right week to book off work!

    Caroline aw now you've spoilt my illusion about the ducks ;) Yes there are some amazing little galleries and shops.

    Lisa ah - that would explain where our usual weather has gone - we must have swapped this week! x

  6. It looks lovely. Wish that it would be closer to where I live!

    Thanks for commenting about my little boy!
