Saturday 18 December 2010

The twelve best things about Christmas - number 7


OK so it doesn't happen very often in the UK, but it looks like we may well be in for a traditional white Christmas in Manchester. My garden looks like a Christmas card!


  1. Very beautiful. My dog is certainly excited about the snow

  2. I L.O.V.E. snow! Your photo would make a lovely card too! Last night we went out walking and it was snowing and all the houses were lit up, so pretty! And tonight it's snowing again, and I saw three ickle foxes waiting patiently outside the local cafe!

    have a wonderful christmas Angie

    Ro xx

  3. Hi Angie, me again! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving comments! Have a fab Christmas take care xxxx

  4. Lucky you! Living in the Southern United States, I have NEVER had a white Christmas! We had snow flurries one year and that's about as close as I have ever gotten :) I love your pictures, and I know you'll enjoy the beauty around you SO much!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. When I was young I liked the was fun to play in...then I got to a when I started driving and the roads were challenging and even dangerous at times to drive on.....I hated winter!

    but now, probably because I don't have to drive anywhere at all...I love the snow again!

    In fact, I am sitting here in my cozy living room today...knitting my scarf and sipping hot cocoa...and I am loving it!

    and besides...the white wonder is quite pretty to look at!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments :)

    Ro that's so sweet about the foxes!

    Steph - aw! You mean you never get to have a snowball fight?!
