Sunday 5 September 2010

IAE Creative Challenge - Finder's Keepers

I have cheated slightly with the IAE challenge this week - I didn't have time to make anything new, but I really wanted to submit something as I'd picked the theme this time.

So I hope you'll excuse me submitting this canvas even though I created it a while ago. It's called "Every Day Stories". 

I've used acrylic paints, luggage tags and various found objects - amongst them are buttons,  a paper clip, a jigsaw piece and a heart charm. 

I am fascinated by found objects - sometimes they seem imprinted with their very own history and secrets and memories. Or maybe I just like to imagine stories for them!

You can see all the wonderful submissions for this week's challenge later today by clicking here.


  1. yo yo yo!!! *plonk* *i fainted* ... OMG *crawling up*... old or new, IT'S JUST STUNNING! *plonk* *faints again*

  2. Blimey Luthien don't be fainting - not in in your condition lol! Thanks so much sweetie :) x

  3. I knew you would have the best piece! I love these pieces you create...each little tag is a work of art on it's own...always something new to see :)

  4. This is wonderful. There are a lot of interesting stories here.

  5. Lisa aw you're too kind, thanks so much!

    Thanks Gemma - I love that aspect - collecting stories :)

  6. Every picture tells a story but in this case...every tag tells a story.
    Loving it Ang...


  7. Super gorgeous..inspiring work!

  8. Well, I for one don't mind you cheating slightly if the result is this good!

  9. This is the ULTIMATE piece to submit for the found object challenge. Every tag is gorgeous, stained and aged to perfection, and filled with memories of things found along life's journey. It is gorgeous.

    Thank you beyond belief for adding my entry, although it was late. I really appreciate it.

  10. Your tag paintings are among my favorites of your work- second only to the butterflies of course;)
    Wht a perfect piece for this week's challenge!

  11. What a perfect submission for this week's challenge Angie - love it!!
