Sunday, 2 November 2008

A New Project

I'm excited to be working on a new project for a lovely Etsy buyer, Jennie. Jennie contacted me to say she loved my work (always a good start!) and that she would like to commission a group of original paintings which would all compliment each other, for her guest room - a kind of "gallery wall". We're very much in the early stages so far, but I'm enjoying working with Jennie very much - I think we have quite similar tastes, which always makes things easier. I thought it may be interesting to blog about the project as it progresses, so, to start, the photo above is the "concept stage" - some art of mine that Jennie liked which was a starting point. Some of these paintings are already sold, so I'll be producing something similar for her. There are also a couple of new pieces that we are planning, and I have just starting on one - a pink peony on a mint green background. I'll post more pictures when it's finished - watch this space!


  1. Oh what a fabulous project Amy and Jennie obviously has wonderful taste! Can't wait to see the peony painting, one of my all time favorite flowers and I'm sure you'll do it the justice it deserves!

  2. Thanks Sharon, I'll be posting the peony painting soon - it's almost finished. They're my favourite flower too.

  3. Hi Angie, your work and your writing always inspire me. For this reason I've left you an award on my blog so when you have a moment to visit that would be wonderful, thanksā™„
